Ranjith, P.
Dr. Ranjith Padinhateeri
Phone: +(91-22) 2576 7761
E-mail: ranjithp [at] iitb.ac.in
Location: Room No. 306, BSBE Building
Lab web page

Research Interest
My broad areas of interest are biophysics and soft-matter physics. I do theoretical studies to understand various physical and biological phenomena, using a variety of tools from physics including equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, polymer physics, and soft-matter theory. I tackle research problems using a combination of computational (numerical) and analytical methods. My specific areas of interest include: (i) Organisation of Chromatin, (ii) Self-assembly of proteins, and (iii) Decision-making in cellular processes.
Academic Background
- B. Sc. : Physics, 1997, Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College, University of Calicut, Kerala.
- M. Sc. : Physics, 2000, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
- Ph.D. : Physics, 2005, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
Teaching (current)
Biological thermodynamics, Mathematical methods for Biologists, Biostatistics, Modeling Biological Systems and Processes
Professional Experience
- Professor : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2018-
- Associate Professor : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2014-2018
- Assistant Professor : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2009-2014
- Post-doctoral fellow : Institut Curie, Paris, France, 2007 — 2009.
- Post-doctoral fellow : University of Illinois at Chicago/Northwestern University,Evanston, USA, 2005 — 2007.
- Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru
- Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship 2022-2023
- Dr. PV Sukhatme Chair Professor Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2022-
- Dr. PV Sukhatme Chair Professor, IIT Bombay, 2022
- IIT Bombay Research Publication Award, 2020
- National Bioscience Award, DBT India, 2018
- Excellence in Teaching award – IIT Bombay, 2014
- Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award (IYBA) 2009-10 and 2013-14, Department of Biotechnology, India.
- Award for the best Ph. D. thesis, Physics, IIT Madras, 2005
Selected Publications
- Predicting scale-dependent chromatin polymer properties from systematic coarse-graining; Sangram Kadam, K Kumari, S Dutta, MK Mitra, Ranjith Padinhateeri; Nature Communications, 14, 4108 (2023)
- High fidelity epigenetic inheritance: Information theoretic model predicts threshold filling of histone modifications post replication; Nithya Ramakrishnan, Sibi Raj B. Pillai and Ranjith Padinhateeri; PLOS Comp. Biol. (2022) ( https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009861)
- Continuous variable responses and signal gating form kinetic bases for pulsatile insulin signaling and emergence of resistance; Namrata Shukla, Shantanu Kadam, Ranjith Padinhateeri, and Ullas Kolthur-Seetharam; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) , 118, e2102560118 (2021)
- Nucleosome positioning and chromatin organization; Jyotsana Parmar and Ranjith Padinhateeri; Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 64, 111-118 (2020)
- Irregular Chromatin: Packing density, fiber width, and occurrence of heterogeneous clusters; Gaurav Bajpai and Ranjith Padinhateeri; Biophysical Journal 118, 207-218 (2020)
- Coupling of replisome movement with nucleosome dynamics can contribute to parent-daughter information transfer; Tripti Bameta, Dibyendu Das & Ranjith Padinhateeri; Nucleic Acids Research, 46, 4991-5000 (2018)
- Binding of DNA-bending non-histone proteins destabilizes regular 30-nm chromatin structure; Gaurav Bajpai, Ishutesh Jain, Mandar Inamdar, Dibyendu Das & Ranjith Padinhateeri; PLoS Computational Biology, 13, e1005365 (2017)
- Defining a physical basis for diversity in protein self-assemblies using a minimal model; Srivastav Ranganathan, Samir Maji and Ranjith Padinhateeri; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 13911— 13922, (2016)
- Theoretical estimates of exposure timescales of protein binding sites on DNA regulated by nucleosome kinetics; Jyotsana Parmar, Dibyendu Das, and Ranjith Padinhateeri; Nucleic Acids Research, 44, 1630-1641, (2016)
- Statistical mechanics provides novel insights into microtubule stability and mechanism of shrinkage; IshuteshJain, Mandar Inamdar, and Ranjith Padinhateeri; PLOS Computational Biology 11(2): e1004099 (2015)
- Collectiveforce generated by multiple biolfilamentscan exceed the sum of forces due to individual filaments; Dipjyoti Das, Dibyendu Das, and Ranjith Padinhateeri; New J. Phys., 16, 063032 (2014)
- Nucleosome positioning and kinetics near transcription-start-site barriers are controlled by interplaybetween active remodeling and DNA sequence; Jyotsana Parmar, John F Marko, and Ranjith Padinhateeri, Nucleic Acids Research, 42, 128-146, (2014)
- Stretching and bending fluctuations of short DNA molecules; Ranjith Padinhateeri and Gautam I. Menon, Biophys. J., 104, 463-271 (2013)
- History-dependent depolymerization of actin filaments; Ishutesh Jain, David Lacoste, Dulal Panda and Ranjith Padinhateeri, Biochemistry, 51, 7580-7587 (2012)
- Random hydrolysis controls the dynamicsinstability of microtubules; Ranjith Padinhateeri, A. B. Kolomeisky, and David Lacoste, Biophys. J., 102, 1274-1283 (2012)
- Molecular interpretation of ACTH–endorphin coaggregation: relevance to secretory granule biogenesis; S Ranganathan P. K. Singh, U. Singh, P. S. Singru, R. Padinhateeri and S. K. Maji, PLoS ONE, 7, e31924 (2012)
- Nucleosome positioning in a model of active chromatin remodeling enzymes; Ranjith Padinhateeri and John F. Marko, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108, 7799-7803 (2011)
- Non-equilibrium self-assembly of a filament coupled to ATP/GTP hydrolysis; P. Ranjith, D. Lacoste, K. Mallick and J-F. Joanny, Biophysical Journal 96, 2146-2159, (2009)
- Nucleosome hopping and sliding kinetics determined from dynamics of single ,chromatin fibers in Xenopus egg extracts; P. Ranjith, J. Yan and John F. Marko, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104, 13649-13654 (2007)
- Distribution Functions, Loop Formation Probabilities andForce-Extension Relations in a Model for Short Double-Stranded DNA Molecules; P. Ranjith, P. B. Sunil Kumar and Gautam I. Menon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 138102 (2005)
- Dynamics of folding in Semiflexible filaments; P. Ranjith and P. B. Sunil Kumar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 018302 (2002)