Committee List
Prof. P. Bhaumik (Convener), P.V. Balaji, R. Manchanda, N. Kanekar, S. Srivastava and Head
1. R. K. Mallik, Chairman
2. R. K. Shevgaonkar, Dean (RM)
3. Prof. U. A. Athavankar, IDC
4. A.K. Singh, Dean (AP)
5. Prof. R. Manchanda, Biodepartment
6. Mr. Roy, OSD
7. Prof. K.K. Rao
8. Head, Biodepartment
9. Mr. V. B. Mamdapur, E.E.(Estate)
10. Mr. B. A. Sahoo, Estate
1. Head (Convener)
2. Prof Rajesh Patkar (MSc Coordinator)
3. Profs Nivethida T, D Agrawal (MTech Coordinator)
4. Profs S Kaledhonkar, S Kumar, S Shinde (PhD Coordinator)
5. Rajeshkumar S. Gop (General Secretary)
6. Chinmay Koppal (MTech Representative)
7. Ayush Juneja (MSc Representative)
8. Sumana Paul (PhD Representative)
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Tenure |
1 | Prof. Anirban Banerjee | Professor | Sept 2022 to Aug 2025 |
2 | Prof. Debjani Paul | Professor | Sept 2022 to Aug 2025 |
3 | Prof. Kiran Kondabagil | Professor | Nov 2023 to Oct 2026 |
4 | Prof. Prasenjit Bhaumik | Professor | Sept 2022 to Aug 2025 |
5 | Prof. Ranjith Padinhateeri | Professor | Nov 2023 to Oct 2026 |
6 | Prof. Swati Patankar | Professor | Sept 2022 to Aug 2025 |
7 | Prof. Rajesh Patkar | Associate Professor | Sept 2022 to Aug 2025 |
8 | Prof. Sushil Kumar | Assistant Professor | Nov 2023 to Oct 2026 |
9 | Head of the Department | Professor | Ex-officio |
- Head (Convener)
- Prof D. Paul
- Prof S. K. Ghosh
- Prof A. Kumar
- Prof N. Kanekar
- Prof. S. Shinde
- Rajeshkumar S Gop (General Secretary)
Prof’s R. Padinhateeri (Convener), A. Banerjee, D. Paul, S. Sen, S. Patankar, P. Tayalia, R. Purwar, Head
1. M.Sc. – Prof R Patkar
2. M.Tech. (2023-25 batch) – Prof N Kanekar / H Varma
3. M.Tech. (2024-26 batch) – Prof Nivethida T / D Agrawal
4. Ph.D. – Profs. S Kaledhonkar, S Kumar, S Shinde
Prof’s Ranjith P. (convener), A. Banerjee, D. Paul, Nivethida T., P. Tayalia, R. Mallik, S. Maji, S. Shinde, Head (ex-officio)
Prof Ambarish Kunwar, Prof. Rajesh Patkar, Yogesh Sarkate, Hrushikesh Nagwekar, Maheshwar Naithani, Anjali Raghunathan, Saumitra Lalsare, Archana Shetty, Monika [Student, AKun Lab], Head
Head (Convener), Prof’s S. Sen, K. Kondabagil, A. Guha (Mech. Dept), S. Jadhav (Chemical Engg Dept), BSBE Store Staff
Prof’s R. Mallik, R. Patkar, N. Kanekar, A. Kumar, S.K. Maji, D. Paul, Head BSBE (Ex-Officio)
Prof’s P. Tayalia, Nivethida T., A. Majumder (Chemical Engg Dept), M.J.N.V. Prasad (MEMS Dept), P. Bhaumik, Head
Prof. Ambarish Kunwar (Convener), Prof. Kiran Kondabagil, Hrushikesh Nagwekar, Yogesh Sarkate, Ashish Dubey, Maheshwar Naithani, Shikha Gupta, Bhavik Shah (Student, PP Lab), Head
Prof’s A Banerjee, S Kaledhonkar, DRMM, Namboothiri I.N.N. (Chemistry Dept), AR (Audit), Head
Prof’s S. Sen (convener), A. Banerjee, A. Kumar, P. Bhaumik, Head
Prof Nivethida T, Head, BSBE Office, Sysads
Prof’s S. Srivastava, N. Kanekar, H. Varma, Head and Archana Shetty