We are looking for Ph.D. applicants and Postdoctoral Fellows. You should have a Biology or Physics/Maths/Chemistry/Computation background, and you should be interested in mixing these up. An interest in learning Biology is important for non-biology applicants. Funding opportunities :-
Ph.D. program at IIT Bombay
IPDF – Institute Funded Postdoctoral Positions at IIT Bombay and Postdoctoral position on a DBT-Wellcome Senior Fellowship to R. Mallik
Funding opportunities for PhD Students and Postdocs in India , a Comprehensive Information Booklet from IndiaBioscience.
Please read our PAPERS and the related literature. Write in your own words what you would like to do with us and a rough plan for the same.
How to reach │ Google Map
Roop Mallik Laboratory
Room – 406, Department of Biosciences & Bioengineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai
Mumbai – 400076, Maharashtra, India
PHONE Office +91-22-2576 7769 │ Lab +91-22-2576 4789
EMAIL rmallik MORE...