28.) Ma CH#, Kumar D#, Jayaram M, Ghosh SK*, Iyer VR*. The selfish yeast plasmid exploits a SWI/SNF-type chromatin remodeling complex for hitchhiking on chromosomes and ensuring high-fidelity propagation. PLoS Genetics 2023, Oct 9; 19(10), e1010986. # equal contribution; * co-corresponding authors

27.) Shah S, Mittal P, Kumar D, Mittal A, and Ghosh SK. Evidence of kinesin motors involved in stable kinetochore assembly during early meiosis. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2023 Aug .(Link)

26.) Prasad P, Joshi A and Ghosh SK. Sth1, the ATPase subunit of the RSC chromatin remodeler has important roles in stress response and DNA damage repair in the pathogenic fungi Candida albicans. Microbial Pathogenesis 2022 (Pubmed Link)

25.) Balachandra VK and Ghosh SK. Emerging roles of SWI/SNF remodelers in fungal pathogens. Current Genetics 2021 (Pubmed Link)

24.) Mehta G, Sanyal K, Abhishek S, Rajakumara E and Ghosh SK. Minichromosome maintenance proteins in eukaryotic chromosome segregation. BioEssays 2021 (Pubmed Link)

23.)  Sane A, Sridhar S, Sanyal K and Ghosh SK. Shugoshin ensures maintenance of the spindle assembly checkpoint response and efficient spindle disassembly. Molecular Microbiology 2021 (Pubmed Link)

22.) Kumar D, Prajapati HK, Mahilkar A, Ma CH, Mittal P, Jayaram M and Ghosh SK. The selfish yeast plasmid utilizes the condensin complex and condensed chromatin for faithful partitioning. PLoS Genetics 2021, Jul 16;17(7) (Pubmed Link)

21.) Balachandra VK, Verma J, Shankar M, Tucey TM, Traven A, Schittenhelm RB, and Ghosh SK. The RSC (Remodels the Structure of Chromatin) complex of Candida albicans shows compositional divergence with distinct roles in regulating pathogenic traits. PLoS Genetics 2020 Nov 5;16(11) (Pubmed Link).

20.) Mittal P, Ghule K, Trakroo D, Prajapati P and Ghosh SK. Meiosis-specific functions of kinesin motors in cohesin removal and maintenance of chromosome integrity in budding yeast. Molecular and Cellular Biology 2020, Mar 30: 40(8) (Pubmed Link).

19.) Prasad P, Sanyal K and Ghosh SK. Sth1, the key subunit of the RSC chromatin remodeling complex, is essential in maintaining chromosomal integrity and mediating high fidelity chromosome segregation in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Frontiers in Microbiology 2019 (Pubmed Link).

18.) Mittal P, Trakroo D, Chauhan A, Shah S and Ghosh SK. Outer kinetochore protein Dam1 promotes centromere clustering in parallel with Slk19 in budding yeast. Chromosoma 2019 Feb. (Pubmed Link)

17.) Sau S, Ghosh SK, Liu YT, Ma CH, Jayaram M. Hitchhiking on chromosomes: A persistence strategy shared by diverse selfish DNA elements. Plasmid. 2019 Feb 3. doi: 10.1016/j.plasmid.2019.01.004 (Pubmed Link).

16.) Malik, N., Dantu, S. C., Shukla, S., Kombrabail, M., Ghosh, S. K., Krishnamoorthy, G., & Kumar, A. Conformational flexibility of histone variant CENP-ACse4 is regulated by histone H4: A mechanism to stabilize soluble Cse4. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2018 ; 293(52), 20273-20284 (Pubmed Link)

15.) Prajapati, H.K., Agarwal, M., Mittal, P., and Ghosh, S.K. (2018). Evidence of Zip1 Promoting Sister Kinetochore Mono-orientation During Meiosis in Budding Yeast. G3 (Bethesda) 8, 3691-3701 (Pubmed Link)

14.) Mehta, G., Anbalagan, G.K., Bharati, A.P., Gadre, P., and Ghosh, S.K. (2018). An interplay between Shugoshin and Spo13 for centromeric cohesin protection and sister kinetochore mono-orientation during meiosis I in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Current Genetics 64, 1141-1152 (Pubmed Link)

13.) Rizvi, S.M., Prajapati H.K., &. Ghosh S.K. The 2 micron plasmid: A selfish genetic element with an optimized survival strategy within Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Current Genetics, (2018) 64: 25 (Pubmed Link)

12.) Rizvi, S.M., H.K. Prajapati, P. Nag & S.K. Ghosh. The 2 micron plasmid encoded protein Raf1 regulates both stability and copy number of the plasmid by blocking the formation of the Rep1-Rep2 repressor complex. Nucleic Acid Research, 2017; 45, 7167-7179. (Pubmed Link)

11.) Prajapati, H.K., S.M. Rizvi, I. Rathore & S.K. Ghosh. Microtubule-associated proteins, Bik1 and Bim1, are required for faithful partitioning of the endogenous 2 micron plasmids in budding yeast. Molecular Microbiology, 2017, 103: 1046-1064. (Pubmed Link)

10.) Sutradhar S, Yadav V, Sridhar S, Sreekumar L, Bhattacharyya D, Ghosh SK, Paul R, Sanyal K. A comprehensive model to predict mitotic division in budding yeasts.Mol Biol Cell. 2015 Aug 26 (Pubmed Link).

9.) Agarwal M, Mehta GD and Ghosh SK. Role of Ctf3 and COMA subcomplexes in meiosis: implication in maintaining Cse4 at the centromere and numeric spindle poles.i Biochim Biophys Acta Mol. Cell Res. 2015 Mar;1854(3):671-84. (Pubmed Link)

8.) Kumar R, Dhali S, Srikanth R, Ghosh SK, Srivastava S. Comparative proteomics of mitosis and meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Proteomics. 2014 Jun 25;109C:1-15. (Pubmed Link)

7.) Mehta GD, Agarwal M, Ghosh SK. Functional characterization of kinetochore protein, Ctf19 in meiosis I: an implication of differential impact of Ctf19 on the assembly of mitotic and meiotic kinetochores in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol. Micro. 2014; 91(6):1179-99. (Pubmed Link)

6.) Ma CH, Cui H, Hajra S, Rowley PA, Fekete C, Sarkeshik A, Ghosh SK, Yates JR3rd, Jayaram M. Temporal sequence and cell cycle cues in the assembly of hostfactors at the yeast 2 micron plasmid partitioning locus. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013; 41(4):2340-53. (Pubmed Link)

5.) Mehta GD, Kumar R, Srivastava S, Ghosh SK. Cohesin: Functions beyond sister chromatid cohesion. FEBS Lett. (2013), 587(15):2299-312. (Pubmed Link)

4.) Lahiri S, Mehta GD and Ghosh SK. Iml3p, a component of the Ctf19 complex of the budding yeast kinetochore is required to maintain kinetochore integrity under conditions of spindle stress. FEMS Yeast Res. 2013; Early view (Pubmed Link)

3.) Mehta GD, Rizvi SMA, Ghosh SK. Cohesin: A guardian of genome integrity. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2012; 1823(8):1324-1342. (Pubmed Link)

2.) Huang CC, Hajra S, Ghosh SK, Jayaram M. Cse4 (CenH3) association with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae plasmid partitioning locus in its native and chromosomally integrated states: implications in centromere evolution. Mol Cell Biol 2011; 31(5):1030-1040. (Pubmed Link)

1.) Mehta GD, Agarwal MP, Ghosh SK. Centromere Identity: a challenge to be faced. Mol Genet Genomics 2010; 284(2):75-94.(Pubmed Link)

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