Aspergillus Genome Resources

Aspergillus genome at NCBI

Aspergillus Genome Databases

  1. Aspergillus niger
  2. Aspergillus terreus
  3. Aspergillus fumigatus
  4. Aspergillus nidulans 1 ,
  5. Aspergillus oryzae
  6. Aspergillus clavatus
  7. Aspergillus (Neosartorya) fischeri
  8. Aspergillus flavus

List of Enzyme Databases

  1. BRENDA (Comprehensive Enzyme Information System)
  2. ExPASy – (Enzyme Nomenclature Database)
  3. KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)
  4. IUBMB (Enzyme Nomenclature)
  5. MetaCyc (Pathway/Genome Databases)
  6. SYSTERS (Protein Family Database)
  7. InterPro (Database of protein families, domains and functional sites)
  8. Protein Mutant Database
  9. BioCarta – Pathways of Life

Specialized Database for Enzymes

  1. MACiE (Mechanism, Annotation and Classification in Enzymes)
  2. IntEnz (Integrated relational Enzyme database)
  3. ExplorEnz
  4. Enzyme Structures Database
  5. EzCatDB (A Database of Enzyme Catalytic Mechanisms)
  6. REBASE (The Restriction Enzyme Databas)
  7. TECRDB (Thermodynamics of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions Database)
  8. Worthington Enzyme Manual
  9. CAZy (Carbohydrate-Active enZymes)
  10. MEROPS peptidase database
  11. ENZYME Databank at EBML
  12. Kinase pathway database
  13. PhosphaBase (PhB) (database of protein phosphatase)
  14. PRECISE (Predicted and Consensus Interaction Sites in Enzymes)
  15. PKR (Protein Kinase Resource) (Note: link not working at present)
  16. SCOPEC (database of protein catalytic domains) Pubmed
  17. Enzyme Structures Database
  18. PROCAT (A database of 3D enzyme active site templates)

Scientific Literature Search Engines

  1. NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information)
  2. ISI Web of knowledge
  3. Scirus – For scientific information only
  4. SciFinder
  5. Scopus
  6. Sciencedirect
  7. Springer